
The Archive is one of the greatest treasures of Valamo Monastery

The historical documents brought from the old location of the monastery in Lake Ladoga and preserved by the brotherhood start from the year 1750 and continue until the year 1940. The archive contains documents in two languages, Russian and Finnish. Startin from the year 1918, the number of documents in Finnish steadily increases.

The archive includes for example historical data, decisions, reports concerning the economy and the building projects of the monastery, a collection of photographs, letters and other documents, each of which is as extremely valuable.

Most of the material in the archives dates back to the second half of the 19th century, i.e. the period when hegoumen Damascene (Damaskin) was the head of the monastery.

The correspondence of the hegoumens of the monastery is a valuable part of the archives. The letters of the spiritual elders, hieromonks, spiritual fathers and regular monks are a spiritual and theological treasure.

The archives also include correspondence of Russian painters, scientists and other important persons who were active in Valamo monastery.

The memoirs of the monks and their official personal letters are also important sources. The notebooks listing the daily tasks of the monks are very intereting. The archives also include summaries of the observations of the meteorological station, regularly sent to the physical observatory of St. Nicholas in St. Petersburg.

The archives also contain information about the new books acquired for the monastery library and the private libraries of the monks in the 19th and the 20th centuries. The archives also containes well-preserved historical photographs. The photo atelier of the monastery was established soon after the invention of photographs.

The monastery archive has been active in the new location of Valamo monastery in Heinävesi since 1941.