Old Church

Old church - All Saints of Valamo

The old church was built in 1940 by combining two barns. All the daily divine services took place in this church until 1977. Nowadays the church is used only in the summer. The vespers and the evening prayers on Friday evening as well as the matins and the liturgy on Saturday morning are in this church in the summer. On Saturdays and Sundays there is also a prayer service (moleben) in this church at noon. The church is dedicated to All the Saints of the Valamo monastery.

Almost all the icons and other items in this church originate from the original location of the monastery on Lake Ladoga. Most of the icons were painted in the icon painting atelier of the monastery at the end of the 19th century. The old church used to be also the refectory of the brotherhood. It is still possible to see the traces left by the tables and the benches in the floor. Also the opening in the back wall between the church and the former kitchen is still there. The side room at the back of the church has been furnished in the same style as the monastic cells of the monastery looked like in the 1950's.