Elementary course in icon painting 8/2022

23.08.2022 00:00 - 30.08.2022 00:00

Ilmoittautuminen päättyy: 09.08.2022 00:00 - Mikäli ilmoittautuminen on jo päättynyt, kysy kurssipaikkoja puh. 017 570 1810

kurssit@valamo.fi, p. 017-5701810

, 550€/Opistohotelli 1hh, 484€/hlö Opistohotelli 2hh

Kurssin kuvaus

This course is suitable for everyone interested in traditional Orthodox icon painting tradition with egg tempera technique. No earlier experience is required.  The icon motif can be a simple and clear icon of Christ or The Mother of God where the face is well focused forto study how the iconic light effect is constructed from shadow to light.  Most of the time is dedicated to the practical painting work.  We’ll even go through the icon theology reflecting these motifs and that for icons charasteristic stylized expression.  All the materials needed can be bought at the school. As teacher iconographer Alexander Wikström.  

Hinta 550 €/OH1 ja 484 €/OH2

Tämän kurssin maksamiseen voit hyödyntää Smartum-etuasi.

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Wikström Alexander