Praying with Icons

18.03.2018 15:00 - 26.03.2018 14:00

Ilmoittautuminen päättyy: 02.03.2018 00:00 - Mikäli ilmoittautuminen on jo päättynyt, kysy kurssipaikkoja puh. 017 570 1810 P: 017 5701401

, 495€/Opistohotelli 1hh

Kurssin kuvaus

This course is meant to be a retreat of sorts. The course will be a meditation on prayer,
turning our minds to the intention of what an icon is: a window to heaven. Instruction will
not be only on icons in prayer, but icons being a result of prayer. As many previous students
from Fr. Vladimir’s classes know, his motto is “If you don’t pray, you don’t paint”. Part of
the requirement for the course is attendance at all the services in the church. There will be
instruction on painting, with the intention of painting an icon of either the Face Made without
Hands or Christ Pantocrator. As well, there will be instruction with regards to prayer, to
the hesychastic tradition and its effect on iconography.

Kurssin ohjelma

Will be updated later.

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