Church for everyone 2/2019

08.02.2019 00:00 - 10.02.2019 00:00

Ilmoittautuminen päättyy: 25.01.2019 00:00 - Mikäli ilmoittautuminen on jo päättynyt, kysy kurssipaikkoja puh. 017 570 1810 puh. 017-570 1401

, 99€/Opistohotelli 1hh, sis. majoitus, opetus, ateriat, 99€/hlö Opistohotelli 2hh, sis. majoitus, opetus, ateriat, 99€/Vierasmaja 1hh, sis. majoitus, opetus, ateriat, 99€/Vierasmaja 2hh/hlö, sis. majoitus, opetus, ateriat

Kurssin kuvaus

Orthodox Church in Finland welcomes everyone to participate in church activities, but how is it possible to find one’s way to church on parish level without knowing Finnish language or parish people. This course is a multicultural meeting point for everyone interested. Discussion, workshops, ideas, multicultural food bazaar and worship - come and see!

Participation fee is 99€ including tuition, accommodation and meals written in the program.

Kurssin ohjelma

Church for everyone



Friday, Feb. 8

Arrival at Valamo Monastery

18.00 Vespers

20.00 Get-together at the Lay Academy; opening of the course, evening meal, presentations

Saturday, Feb. 9

6.00 Matins and Divine Liturgy

7.30- Breakfast

9.00 Global Orthodox Church, HE Metropolitan Elia of Oulu

10.15 ”My story” - experiencing the global and local Orthodox Church

11.15 Discussion in small groups

12.00 Moleben

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Guided tour over the Monastery /optional: preparing food bazaar for the evening

15.00 Coffee break

15.30 How to face people – means of media and networking, Marjaana Toiviainen

16.30My story” - how to face people without official organizations, Martta Pietarinen

18.00 All-Night Vigil

20.00 Social evening at the Lay Academy: food bazaar

Sunday, Feb. 10

(7.30- Breakfast)

9.00 Divine Liturgy

11.00 Lunch

12.00 Closing addres, HE Metropolitan Elia of Oulu

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